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May 2019
MAY 3rd and MAY 4th – 2019 Annual Flower & Plant Sale
DATES AND HOURS: FRIDAY, MAY 3RD, from 9 am to 6 pm AND SATURDAY, MAY 4TH, from 9 am to 5 pm LOCATION: Bloomingdale Park District Maintenance Building 259 Springfield Drive — North End of Springfield Park Bloomingdale, IL 60108 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: bloomingdalegardenclub@gmail.com FEATURING: Flats of 48 colorful flowers Premium 10” Hanging Baskets Geraniums & Accent Plants Proven Winners & Specialty Annuals Vegetables & Herbs Cannas, Grasses, Tropicals & Tuts Perennials from members' gardens Master Gardener Help Desk Garden Items Raffles Proceeds…
Find out more »May 2020
Member Only Pick-up
Due to the present extraordinary circumstances and restrictions imposed because of COVID 19, the Bloomingdale Garden Club traditional Annual Flower & Plant Sale must be CANCELLED. However, anyone with a Pre-Sale Order will be able to pick up their plants on Thursday, May 14th and Friday, May 15th at the Park District Maintenance Building, 259 Springfield Drive (North End of Springfield Park) in Bloomingdale. Appointment times for pick-up will be scheduled and RESTRICTIONS WILL BE IMPOSED WITH REGARD TO SOCIAL DISTANCING, NUMBER OF PEOPLE ALLOWED AT…
Find out more »April 2021
Flower & Plant Sale Prep Meeting
Get comfortable and make new friends with snacks and a drink while we make announcements about upcoming events. Then we'll get down to the business of preparing for our Annual Flower & Plant Sale which will be on May 14th and 15th. This very popular event will fund all of our charitable endeavors, Club programs and activities. Visitors are welcome. Social time and announcements begin at 6:15 PM. Programs start at 7:00 PM at Cornerstone Faith Community Church, 118 First…
Find out more »May 2021
2021 Annual Flower & Plant Sale
DATES AND HOURS: FRIDAY, MAY 14TH, from 9 AM to 6 PM SATURDAY, MAY 15TH, from 9 AM to 5 PM LOCATION: Bloomingdale Park District Maintenance Building 259 Springfield Drive, Bloomingdale, IL 60108 (North End of Springfield Park between Schick Road and Lake Street) FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: bloomingdalegardenclub@gmail.com FEATURING: Flats of 48 colorful flowers Premium 10” & 12" Hanging Baskets Geraniums & Accent Plants Proven Winners & Specialty Annuals Vegetables & Herbs Cannas, Grasses, Tropicals & Tuts Perennials from…
Find out more »April 2022
Plant Sale Prep Meeting
We’re getting ready—and set to go for our Annual Flower and Plant Sale on May 13th and 14th. Come make new friends at 6:15 pm while we enjoy treats and announcements. At 7 PM a brief overview about the Sale and how you can help will be presented—more detail will be given at the meeting. This very popular event funds our charitable endeavors, Club programs and activities.
Find out more »May 2022
2022 Annual Flower & Plant Sale
The sale will feature professionally grown annuals in flats, hanging baskets, accessory plants, caladiums, cannas, grasses, tropicals, Tuts, Proven Winners and many other specialty annuals in 4 1/2" & 6" pots. We also plan to have vegetables & herbs on the days of sale. There will be raffles and gently-used garden items for sale. Master Gardeners will be available to answer all your gardening questions. This is the club's primary fundraiser with proceeds supporting area charities and garden club programs. Cash, check and credit cards are accepted ($2 service fee added for credit card…
Find out more »April 2023
Plant Sale Prep Meeting
Join us as we prepare for our Annual Flower & Plant Sale this year being held on May 12 and 13. This is our major fund-raiser for the year that we support our local charities with and we need all hands on deck to have a fun and successful event. Come and learn about the schedule, pre-sale orders, food and equipment, and working the sale. Most of all—LET'S HAVE FUN! We need you to contribute ideas to make this a…
Find out more »May 2023
The sale will feature professionally grown annuals in flats, hanging baskets, accessory plants, caladiums, cannas, grasses, tropicals, Tuts, Proven Winners and many other specialty annuals in 4 1/2" & 6" pots. We also plan to have vegetables & herbs on the days of sale. There will be raffles and gently-used garden items for sale. Master Gardeners will be available to answer all your gardening questions. This is the club's primary fundraiser with proceeds supporting area charities and garden club programs. Cash, check and credit cards are accepted ($2 service fee added for credit card…
Find out more »May 2024
Perennial Plant Potting Party
SATURDAY, APRIL 27TH • PREPARATION FOR PLANT LABELS AND SIGNS Email Carol Lockerbie to let her know what plants you will provide, how many, their height and spread, bloom time, and their growing conditions. Please include in your email the common name, along with the botanical name if you know it. Carole is preparing labels for the plant markers. (If you know that she already has a label on file, you can just let her know the name and how…
Find out more »2024 ANNUAL FLOWER & PLANT SALE
SUBMIT PRE-ORDERS BY MARCH 23RD (See below). SHOPPING OPENS TO PUBLIC Friday, May 10th • Noon to 6 PM & Saturday, May 11th • 9 AM to 3 PM The sale will feature professionally grown annuals in flats, hanging baskets, accessory plants, caladiums, grasses, tropicals, Tuts, Proven Winners and many other specialty annuals in 4 1/2" & 6" pots. We also plan to have vegetables & herbs on the days of sale. There will be raffles and gently-used garden items…
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