April 21, 2020 – Flower & Plant Sale Prep Meeting


NOTE: The Plant Sale will be contingent on the availability of the Park District Maintenance Building in order to distribute plants. This will be mandated by the CDC and Governor. The purpose of our sale is to fund local charities and club programs. We will keep you posted.

Get comfortable and make new friends with snacks and a drink while we make announcements about upcoming events. Then we’ll get down to the business of preparing for our Annual Flower & Plant Sale which will be on May 15th and 16th. This very popular event will fund all of our charitable endeavors, Club programs and activities.

Visitors are welcome. Social time and announcements begin at 6:15 PM. Program start at 7:00 PM at Cornerstone Faith Community Church, 118 First Street, Bloomingdale, IL 60108. For more information contact bloomingdalegardenclub@gmail.com or visit www.bloomingdalegardenclub.org.
