February 2016 Meeting

Mel Zaloudek
“Spring Wildflowers of the Illinois Woods”
February 16, 6:15 at the Police Station.
Should be very timely information with the coming of spring.
6:15- 6:45 – Social 1/2 hour
6:45-7:00 – Business / Announcements
7:00 – Program Starts
Other Notes:
***Items to Bring:
- Dues – are due 2/16
- Paper products/ none perishable items for the Pantry. Collection boxes will be available by the front door.
- Pre-Order Plant Sale form with your payment, if not, it is due to Henia Sullivan by 2/26 (no later).
- March Trowel articles – due to Cathy Kreis by 2/26 – email them to cathyjk@sbcglobal.net