West Suburban Donations 2021


Cathy Gall spoke with Vina at West Suburban Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for about 10 minutes. Vina is so grateful to our club for their generosity. She also thanked us for the door hangers for the residents.  She especially loved the snowflakes with the rolled music papers!

John and Cathy Gall dropped off the donations. We had 17 members donate. What an assortment of items!  Cathy especially liked the handmade hats and scarves that Pauline made. She said, “Two of us also donated new Christmas, birthday, get well, and other miscellaneous cards.”  Cathy mentioned she still has more kids valentine’s cards and other item, and Vina said she would gladly take these (unused cards) to use for craft projects.  Cathy suggested we could organize a donation of cards and  various craft supplies for them in the future.  
